Fall volleyball is held Mon, Wed, and Fri from 9am to 11am from October thru April. We play at Jefferson through January and switch to Kennedy in February. A fee is collected early in the season for the rental of the gyms. Thirty to forty BAJer’s gather to play. Attendance is voluntary and can be once, twice or three times a week.
Time: Warmup at 8:45 am; Games start at 9:00 AM
Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
On game days, we begin stretching at ~8:45am and continue until Ed says, “LINE UP!” We then count off by 4s or 6s (depending on the number of teams which depends on the number who showed up). Each number is a team for that day.
Note: No Volleyball during holidays - players are notified by email
Summer volleyball is held every Monday from 6pm to 8pm at Kennedy Activity Center. There is a $5/event charge. We play from June thru the end of September and typically have 15-21 players.
For more info, contact:
Brian White 612-812-5806 bjwhite1776@charter.net or
Mark Sando 612-709-7965 msando@frontiernet.net
We welcome all ages (our current age range is from 59 to 87) and abilities.
Click here to learn more about BAJ Volleyball and see some live action.
Summer Volleyball is in full swing!